PNews 8/26/21

As long as we think of our COVID response in terms of each person’s individual choice (Mask or not? Vaccinate or not?), we miss being the kind of church we are called to be – a community committed to justice for and welfare of others, not only ourselves. This is what it means to dedicate ourselves to “the promotion of social righteousness.” Can we let it take hold among us to become an effective arm for outreach beyond us? In this week’s meditation, A Surging New Wave, Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge addresses this question and more.
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Hybrid meetings are now part of our reality moving forward. Hybrid congregational meetings, whether to conduct routine business or to call a new pastor, present a unique set of challenges for congregations in providing ways of voting that uphold the requirements of our polity and Roberts Rules of Order. To assist congregations in conducting hybrid meetings, Rev. Brian Wallace has prepared a brief webinar showing two voting methods (Zoom and Mentimeter) for hybrid/online meetings.
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September 2nd is the deadline for submitting names for the Annual Service of Remembrance. If any ordained ruling elder has died since the last memorial service which was held on September 19, 2019, please advise us by filling out the online form.
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Pittsburgh Presbytery joins the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta in requiring the Minister’s Choice Benefits Package. They are the only two Presbyteries in PCUSA that require the package for ministers called to serve at least 20 hours weekly. “For us, it was a no-brainer,” says our own Rev. Brian Wallace of requiring churches to provide Minister’s Choice. “We had been working toward making benefits a value-add for our congregations.”
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A diverse collection of members of the Synod of the Trinity Presbyterian Church (USA) joins the Pennsylvania Council of Churches to urge you to get vaccinated in this short vaccination PSA.
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