Awareness and Transformation: Black lives matter, de-funding the police, and all THE things

Episode 5: Black lives matter, de-funding the police, and all THE things

  • In a conversation that has been long in coming, Ralph and Brian tackle difficult topics including the biblical concept of social justice as it relates to black lives matter, educating our children, and investing in our communities.  This conversation may stretch the limits of your emotional stamina (because it sure stretched theirs!).  Episode 5’s conversation is a glimpse into how being a disciple of Jesus Christ can push us headfirst into the most challenging subjects of today.

In response to the killing of George Floyd, staff members Ralph Lowe (Director of Justice Ministries) and Brian Wallace (Associate Minister) started a series of conversations entitled Awareness and Transformation: Conversations about Life, Race, and Faith.  You can view the episodes on YouTube and copies of the videos are available for download for use and inclusion in online worship and other church programs.

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Disclaimer from Ralph and Brian: “The views expressed in these episodes are our personal views and should not be understood, in any way, to constitute an official position or view of Pittsburgh Presbytery”

Access all the episodes on the Awareness & Transformation page!

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