PNews – 07/16/2020

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery

“How could a good, all-powerful God let bad things happen to good people?” This ancient question, which philosophers call “the problem of evil,” gets asked anew wherever trauma occurs. It presses hard on us amid the current COVID pandemic. Where is God amid this deadly scourge that has snuffed out the lives of so many good and faithful people? In this week’s meditation, Where is God in This Picture?, the Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge answers this question and more.

Our recent General Assembly urged congregations to engage more deeply the ministries associated with the church’s Matthew 25 Initiative. The Matthew 25 Website is full of excellent practical resources to equip congregations for strengthening ministries in all three of its focal areas: Building Congregational Vitality, Dismantling Structural Racism, and Eradicating Systemic Poverty. If you have stories to tell of engaging any of these three challenges, please share them with us so we can spread the good news of how God is at work in your congregation. Please consider signing your congregation up as a Matthew 25 congregation, as you make a commitment to deepen your engagement with one or more of these ministry areas, and covenant to share your story with the wider church.

After meeting last Monday, the planning team voted to postpone the 2020 conference until 2021. They made this decision with a heavy heart. Nevertheless, they say they also recognize that there is a moral responsibility as brothers and sisters in Christ to care for one another. The new date is set for October 11-13, 2021, at Laurelville Mennonite Church Center.

Save 20% on the Book of Common Worship at the PC(USA) Store, Flash Drive Edition, today through Friday, July 31st! This edition contains electronic files from the main Book of Common Worship and it is perfect for those who want to make worship planning and bulletin preparation easier.

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