Awareness and Transformation: What is implicit bias?

Episode 3: What is implicit bias? (July 2020)

  • Remember the state representative from Ohio who asked if African-Americans are contracting coronavirus at higher rates because they don’t wash their hands as well?  In this episode, Ralph and Brian point to this as an example of what is called implicit bias.  Implicit bias refers to beliefs (conscious or unconscious), attitudes, and stereotypes that we all have that shape how we think, act, and feel about the world around us – and it’s very relevant to any conversation about race or racism.  They also talk about the importance of assuming the best in others when we talk about race and racism.  


In response to the killing of George Floyd, staff members Ralph Lowe (Director of Justice Ministries) and Brian Wallace (Associate Minister) started a series of conversations entitled Awareness and Transformation: Conversations about Life, Race, and Faith.  You can view the episodes on YouTube and copies of the videos are available for download for use and inclusion in online worship and other church programs.

Disclaimer from Ralph and Brian: “The views expressed in these episodes are our personal views and should not be understood, in any way, to constitute an official position or view of Pittsburgh Presbytery”

Access all the episodes on the Awareness & Transformation page!

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