PNews 1/25/24

You Can’t Pick Your Family

Families are complicated. Presbyteries, defined as a family through the covenant relationship we share, are complicated. Despite our vast theological range, we share a common sense of call from the Triune God and have been called to share in life together. In this week’s letter, You Can’t Pick Your Family, Rev. Brian Wallace shares his hope and prayer for our presbytery: Acknowledging the differences within our fellowship, we decide that we love one another and desire to be in a relationship with one another that we’re willing to do the hard work that entails.

Upcoming Events

The following events take place at the Presbytery Building, unless noted:

January 25
COM Policies Webinar (1:00pm, Zoom)

January 29
Commission on Preparation for Ministry (4:00 – 7:00pm)

February 6
Executive Committee (4:00 – 7:00pm)

February 10
New Clerk of Session Training (9:30 – 11:30am, Zoom)

February 13
Commission on Ministry (4:00 – 7:00pm)

February 16 and 17
Henry Highland Garnet Weekend (Grace Memorial PC)

February 21
New Worshiping Committees Commission (8:30 – 10:00am, Zoom)
Peacemaking (4:00 – 5:00)

February 22
Presbytery Meeting (1:00pm, Zoom)

Where is the Staff?

This is where the Presbytery Staff will be on Sunday, January 28:

  • Ralph Lowe – Preaching at Grace Memorial PC
  • Brian Wallace – Worshiping at Hot Metal Bridge Faith Comm.

COM Policies Webinar

In December, COM approved two new policies that will directly impact our Pastors and congregations: an updated leave policy and a dissolution of call policy. Both of these are in response to recent changes in the Book of Order. To help everyone understand these new policies and how they’ll impact our Pastors and Congregations, COM has scheduled two webinars to be held via Zoom next week:

Tuesday, January 23 at 7:00pm
Thursday, January 25 at 1:00pm

If you plan on attending, please RSVP using this link. For more information, click below on “read more.”

January 2024 General Minister Updates

The General Minister Special Nominating Committee has conducted an initial round of application and CLC-match reviews. A pool of candidates to continue in the search process has been selected, and all applicants have been notified of their position in the search process. The committee is forming a set of questions that will more deeply probe the candidates’ sense of identity and call, which will be sent to candidates for written response.

Crestfield Tween Retreat

This 24 hour retreat is designed for kids who might not have had an overnight camp or retreat experience before.  Retreaters will sleep in the cottages. Two meals and a snack will be provided on Saturday as well as breakfast on Sunday.  Rev. Mike Haddox will be speaking and Ben Little will be leading music.

Rev. Dr. Henry Highland Garnet Weekend

You are invited to join in celebrating the very first Henry Highland Garnet Weekend in Pittsburgh Presbytery. There will be dinner and dialogue from 6:00 – 8:30pm on Friday, February 16, and lunch and discussion from 11:00am – 2:30pm on Saturday, February 17. Speakers include Rev. Gavin Walton, Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, and B. Marshall. Both events will be at Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church. Please register here.

New Clerk of Session Training

Once a year the Office of the Stated Clerk sponsors a training seminar for new Clerks of Session. Although the training is geared toward those in their first and second year of service, all Clerks of Session are welcome to attend. This years training will take place on Saturday, February 10, from 9:30 – 11:30am via Zoom. Please email Jenny Tarrant if you would like to attend.
If you are a returning clerk, there are updates to the Book of Order that became effective in July that apply to sessions, including new required policies.  Starting at 11:00 am at the February 10th training, we will be reviewing those changes. If you would like to attend just for clarity on those updates, please email Jenny, and plan on joining us for the last half hour of the training.

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