PNews – 08/13/20

News from Pittsburgh Presbytery

Mark 3:25 says “If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.“ Divided we are easily manipulated to resentment, anger, superiority, and distrust. Where and how do we begin the arduous work of becoming unified? In this week’s mediation, There Shall Be a Day, Elder Ralph Lowe explores these questions, the historical nomination of Kamala Harris, racism in America, and more.

In response to the killing of George Floyd, staff members Ralph Lowe, Director of Justice Ministries and Rev. Brian Wallace, Associate Minister, started a series of conversations entitled Awareness and Transformation: Conversations about Life, Race, and Faith. You can view the episodes on YouTube or access downloadable copies of the videos for inclusion in online worship and other church programs. In episode four, What About Reverse Racism?, Ralph and Brian talk about this question specifically and touch on a number of other topics including bias, power, access to systems, and more. For supplemental information on racial justice, visit the PC(USA) site.

Covid-19 has presented an earth-shifting change in how we do church and stewardship. This year the fall campaign is daunting. We are deprived of our personal contact and gatherings –on which we depend. We are facing economic strains and instability within our congregation and church financial lives. Join the Presbyterian Foundation‘s webinar on Wednesday, August 19, to learn how to run your campaign in uncertain times.
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Inquirers and candidates for ordination in the PC(USA), who have remained steady for four years, have the opportunity to elect healthcare coverage for themselves and their eligible family members at reduced costs, . The enrollment window is open through September 15, 2020.

Well-Being Respite is being offered by the Board of Pensions. It is a unique online opportunity to step away from your daily routine and come to the well for spiritual renewal, mental stimulation, thoughtful conversation, and meaningful engagement with colleagues in life and ministry as you contemplate God’s movement in our individual and collective experiences. This opportunity is open to all Benefits Plan Members.

The Board of Pensions has many important updates, including changes to the 2021 Benefits Plan. Be sure to not to miss the latest news in the attached flyer or check in at the Board of Pensions website often to stay informed.

The Transition-to-College Assistance Grant program through the Board of Pensions is intended to help eligible families of entering college freshmen with transitional expenses such as a computer purchase and/or dorm furnishings. Grant applications for the 2020-2021 academic year will be accepted from August 1, 2020, through June 30, 2021. Visit the Board of Pensions site for more information or to apply.

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