December 2022 Presbytery Digest

Digest of the Meeting of Pittsburgh Presbytery – December 8, 2022

Pittsburgh Presbytery met for its regular Stated Meeting on Thursday, December 8, 2022, at Bethany Presbyterian Church. The meeting was attended by 76 Ministers of Word and Sacrament and 64 Ruling Elders. There were 35 churches represented by at least one ruling elder and 22 registered visitors. The Moderator, Rev. Rebecca DePoe, called the meeting to order at 1:01 p.m. and constituted it with prayer.

The following minister members of other presbyteries were seated as corresponding members:

Rev. Dr. Betty Angelini, a member in good standing of Eastminster Presbytery
Rev. Diane Flynn, a member in good standing of Kiskiminetas Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Wilson Gunn, Jr., a member in good standing of New Hope Presbytery
Rev. Dr. Tom Harmon, Executive and member in good standing of Beaver-Butler Presbytery

Rev. Jessica McClure Archer, co-chair of Commission on Ministry, announced that Rev. Jason Freyer has returned to the presbytery to take a new call as Pastor of Beulah United Presbyterian Church. Rev. McClure Archer then announced those who are taking new positions:

Rev. Elizabeth Michael Ross as Parish Associate at Shadyside Presbyterian Church
Rev. Deb Warren as Covenant Pastor of Swissvale Presbyterian Church (Rev. Warren will continue to serve as installed pastor at Second UP)

Rev. McClure Archer then offered a prayer for all of the above.

The Rev. Brian Wallace offered a prayer for Rev. Dr. Craig Barnes and Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge who are being granted Honorable Retirement Status.

Rev. Wallace then led the presbytery in prayer for the families of the following members of Pittsburgh Presbytery who joined the Church Triumphant since the last meeting:

Rev. Dr. Richard Szeremany              October 14, 2022
Rev. Sarah Heppenstall                      October 15, 2022
Rev. Dr. Robert Downs                       November 1, 2022
Rev. Dr. James Donnell                      November 28, 2022

On behalf of the Executive Committee, its co-chair, Ruling Elder Lenore Williams moved the approval of the Consent Agenda. The Consent Agenda was approved.

Report of the General Minister

As this was his final meeting as General Minister prior to his retirement, Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge gave his report first.

Rev. Sorge opened his report with prayers for the people of South Sudan and celebrated those congregations who have contributed to the Christmas Joy Offering for twenty years.

Rev. Sorge then reviewed several highlights from his tenure as General Minister: hosting General assembly, resizing the presbytery staff and reshaping ministry, navigating controversies within and beyond the church, embracing new models of shared ministry in a period of decline, and seeking new possibilities for ministry during challenging times.

Rev. Sorge expressed gratitude for presbytery staff members past and present. The report concluded with “some sermonic thoughts” in which he encouraged the presbytery to embody the reconciling power of Jesus Christ in its life together as a witness to the church and the world.

Matters from the Executive Committee [EC Report]

Ruling Elder Williams gave the Executive Committee report.

There were two action items as part of the Executive Committee report that were not part of the consent agenda. On behalf of the Executive Committee, Elder Williams moved that the following individuals be elected to the Nominating Committee:

Ruling Elder Sally Huber Lewis         Class of 2025B
Ruling Elder Judith Jerry                    Class of 2025B
Ruling Elder Ann Strong                     Class of 2025B
Rev. Ben Robbins                                  Class of 2025A
Rev. Carol Divens-Roth                        Class of 2025A

There being no nominations from the floor, the nominees were elected.

Elder Williams moved that the following ruling elders be elected to the Committee on Representation:

Dr. Theodore (Theo) Towns                Class of 2025B
Danielle DiVito                                      Class of 2024B
Becky Senior                                          Class of 2023B

There being no nominations from the floor, the nominees were elected.

The Rev. Scott Hill, co-chair of the Presbytery’s personnel committee announced that Rev. Louise Rogers would be joining the presbytery staff on January 30, 2023 to serve as a temporary Associate Minister for a one year term during the search for a new General Minister. Rev. Hill then asked the Moderator to recognize Rev. Wallace to provide information about the Landscape study.

Matters from the Stated Clerk [Stated Clerk report]

Ruling Elder Carla Campbell gave the Stated Clerk’s report.

The Stated Clerk announced that for those who downloaded the packet immediately after it was posted, there was an omission from the Minutes Reading report and that Valley Presbyterian Church should have been listed as having had its minutes read with exceptions.

The Stated Clerk then explained that due to the large number of proposed amendments, she would move for approval in groups in five separate motions and that any presbytery who wished to debate a particular proposed amendment may move that it be removed from the group and debated separately.

The Stated Clerk then moved that Pittsburgh Presbytery approve proposed amendments 22A and 22B, which amend F-1.0302c and F-1.0404. The motion was approved.

For the second motion, the Stated Clerk moved that Pittsburgh Presbytery approve amendments: 22C amending G-1.0501; 22M amending G-3.0104; and 22N amending G-3.0105. The motion was approved.

The Stated Clerk then moved that Pittsburgh Presbytery approve proposed amendments 22D which amends G-1.0503 to permit congregational meetings to receive disciplinary orders and 22R which amends G-3.0401 to permit synods to enroll members to establish parity and representation. The motion was approved.

As the fourth motion, the Stated Clerk moved that Pittsburgh Presbytery approve the following proposed amendments to the Directory for Worship:

22T, amending W-3.0205;
22U, amending W-3.0409;
22V, amending W-3.0414; and,
22W, amending W-4.0403.

The motion was approved.

As the final motion for this meeting, the Stated Clerk moved that Pittsburgh Presbytery approve the remaining proposed amendments to the Directory for Worship. They are:

22X, amending W-5.0104;
22Y, amending W-5.0104;
22Z, amending W-5.0201;
22AA, amending W-5.0204; and,
22BB, amending W-5.0204.

The motion was approved.

The Stated Clerk then discussed the dissolution of Grand View Presbyterian Church that was dissolved by presbytery action as part of the consent agenda as of December 31, 2022. She noted there is an Administrative Commission in place that was empowered via an action item in her report to handle the congregation’s legal and ecclesiastical affairs, including disposition of the property. She noted that while everyone is aware that the property may have great monetary value, the title to it is not necessarily clear. The Administrative Commission has engaged legal counsel to look into this and to assist with concluding the tenancy of the individual who had been residing in the former manse.

The Stated Clerk asked the Moderator to recognize Rev. Ralph Lowe to offer a prayer for the witness of the Grand View Presbyterian Church.

The Senior Vice Moderator assumed the chair.

Report of the Commission on Preparation for Ministry [CPM Report]

The Moderator called upon Ruling Elder Peggy Bonfiglio, Chair of the Commission on Preparation for Ministry, for its report.

Elder Bonfiglio then moved on behalf of the commission that Jane Larson, a member of the Open Door Presbyterian Church, be sustained in her examination for ordination. If the way be clear, Ms. Larson will serve in a validated ministry role as program and enrollment coordinator for the Center for Adaptive and Innovative Ministry and the Doctor of Ministry Program at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. She asked the Moderator to recognize Rev. Andrew Greenhow to introduce Ms. Larson. The candidate was sustained in her oral examination.

Elder Bonfiglio then moved on behalf of the commission that Erin Angeli, a member of Riverview United Presbyterian Church, be sustained in her examination for ordination pending call. She asked the Moderator to recognize Rev. Mike Holohan to introduce Ms. Angeli. The candidate was sustained in her oral examination.

Elder Bonfiglio then moved on behalf of the commission that Michael Creamer, a member of Sewickley Presbyterian Church, be sustained in his examination for ordination pending call. She asked the Moderator to recognize Rev. Derek Davenport to introduce Mr. Creamer. The candidate was sustained in his oral examination.

The Committee on Nominations Report [Nominations Report]

The Moderator called upon Ruling Elder Barb Prevost, Co-chair of the Nominations Committee, to present its report. Nominations from the floor for the position of Senior Vice Moderator not being in order and there being no nominations from the floor for service on presbytery committees, all of the nominees listed in the report were elected.

The Moderator resumed the chair briefly to permit the Senior Vice Moderator to move that the following individuals be elected as branch vice moderators for 2023:

Rev. Sharon Stewart, Jefferson (South)
Elder Nancy Stanny, Valley (West)
Elder Drew Wilson, Forest Hills (East)

Nominations from the floor not being in order pursuant to the Manual of Pittsburgh Presbytery, the nominees were elected.

The Committee on Representation Report

The Moderator called on Rev. Ralph Lowe for the Committee on Representation Report.

Report of the Commission on Ministry [COM report]

The Moderator called upon the Rev. Ben Schneider, co-chair of Commission on Ministry, for its report.

The Moderator invited a motion to express appreciation to Bethany Presbyterian Church, its leadership, staff, and meeting volunteers for all their work and hospitality in hosting this meeting of presbytery. Their hospitality was greatly appreciated. The motion was made, seconded, and approved unanimously.

The Presbytery then gathered for worship with the General Minister, Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge, leading music accompanied by Rev. Dr. Wilson Gunn. Rev. Dr. Asa Lee preached and a litany of retirement for Rev. Sorge was celebrated.

The Moderator then announced that the presbytery staff had been working with the Executive Committee to plan a celebration of the ministry of Rev. Dr. Sheldon Sorge as General Minister of Pittsburgh Presbytery. To start the celebration, the Moderator introduced a video of greetings from presbyters, colleagues and friends of Rev. Sorge which was compiled by Rev. Wallace.

Following the video, the Moderator called on the Stated Clerk who moved that:

Pittsburgh Presbytery hereby expresses its deep appreciation for the meritorious service of Rev. Dr. Sheldon W. Sorge as General Minister of the Presbytery from January 1, 2010, through December 31, 2022.

The motion was approved.

The Moderator then asked Rev. Scott Hill to come forward to present a gift for Rev. Sorge. After Rev. Sorge opened the gift, a custom stole made by Jenny Gallo to commemorate Rev. Sorge’s time in Pittsburgh Presbytery, the Moderator asked Ruling Elder Cathy Nelson to give further details about the design of the stole.

The Moderator then asked Rev. Dr. DeNeice Welch to offer a prayer for Rev. Sorge and invited all those present who had served on the presbytery staff while he served as General Minister to come forward to lay hands on Rev. Sorge as a sign of blessing. Rev. Sorge then offered final thoughts before closing the meeting with prayer.

There being no further business to come before Presbytery, the meeting was ended at 5:02 p.m. with prayer given by Rev. Sorge.